
How To Get a Mosquito Free Garden

By Carolyn Owen
Feature Image by @mandyenohome

Picture this… It’s a warm night and your garden is looking like an oasis after a long day at work. You grab a drink and pop the cap, light your fire pit, and settle into your adirondack chair ready to wind down. Everything’s going great– you’ve got a Spotify radio station playing the greatest hits of the 70s, and Fleetwood Mac is singing all your cares away. There’s nothing that could bring you down now!

But that’s when you feel it… the hot sting on your ankle. Your eyes dart down and without a second thought your hand reaches out to smack a pesky mosquito that’s found its way onto your skin. Not this again! You consider going inside, but opt for some bug spray instead. Couldn’t this be easier? Shouldn’t you be able to enjoy your Bonfire without unwanted bloodsuckers bringing you down? 

We can help. Read on to get your fireside pest woes under control as we guide you through creating a mosquito free environment.

Repellant Firewoods

Certain firewoods can act as natural repellents for mosquitoes. Check them out:


We’re pretty partial to this one. This wood smells lovely to you, but stinks to high heaven to mosquitoes. Juniper’s crackles and pops will undoubtedly add to the warm, grounding ambiance a tranquil night in your garden will bring.


Reigning as the natural-born champ of the insect repellent world, Eucalyptus contains “eucalyptol”, the active ingredient that sends mosquitoes flying. This hardwood burns extra hot, ready to ward off pests next time you get a fire started.


Hailing from the American Southwest, Piñon firewood is an aromatic vanquisher of mosquitoes. A favorite among firewood users, you can use Piñon to go on a fragrant journey west while ensuring no uninvited-flying-bloodsucking-beasts come along.

Repellant Herbs

You can add these certain insect repelling herbs to any fire to keep mosquitoes at bay:


Citronella isn’t just what’s found in bug sprays and candles, it’s a real herb you can buy or grow yourself to add to your fire. Its strong smell wards off mosquitoes, letting you enjoy your night bite free.


Even though mint creates a smell that is quite a bit more pleasant than its citronella counterpart, mosquitoes hate it. Toss some in your fire to amp up the aesthetics and your bug free garden bubble.


We all know and love this purple plant for its calming qualities. Fortunately, it riles mosquitoes right up and they fly out of dodge as soon as possible when added to a fire.

Plants on fire pro-tip: Bundle any of these together, or add in other herbs to create the perfect mosquito-repelling scent

Garden Additions

Don’t stop with the fire pit, add these things to your garden to make sure you’re checking every box on a mosquito’s bad list:

Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are the most commonly used mosquito removal tool, and you can pick one up at just about any store with an outdoors aisle. Put these on the outer corners of your space to keep bloodsucking bugs from ever entering in the first place.

Increased Airflow

It’s time to haul that almost industrial sized fan out of the garage. Use ceiling fans, revolving fans, or even personal fans to increase airflow and make it difficult for mosquitoes to fly in the breeze. 

Herb Gardens

By simply planting any of the herbs from the previous section in your garden, they can help ward off mosquitoes around the clock. Not to mention, they look great!